About Me

Wednesday 2 September 2015


                                                                                                                                                                       Journalist=is a person who having qualifying and skills in journalism or is the person who have skills for collecting, gathering and editing materials example photo, news gathering and other.  
    Election is formal making process by which population choosing an individual to hold public office for a given period of time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  In Tanzania of today journalists or reporters play the important and better role to expose many evils existing in the society. For instance corruption, crimes, robbers and so on. Journalists are seems like savior within the society because they engage in exposing different matters occurred in processing and nation at large. Journalists ensure the collection processing and distributing various important issues exist in the daily life and also sometime they provide a wide chance or opportunity for the public opinions. The following below are the conducive procedures which can be used to expose those evils in the country. 
                       To create /from the investigative commission ;                                                                           frequently in different crimes or corruption a certain inspection committee should be formed so as to find or seek out about the truth of a particular topic. Journalists must ensure that people should be well informed about any social matter.

                   Also the provision of education to the people;
This is due to facts that, people within the society must given enough education about a particular evil or illegal business which may appear in the society. Journalists should educate the people through mass media on how to fight or combat against any evil

                               Another to ask support from the government;
Journalists through the national electoral commission (NEC) they suppose to inform and making the people to be aware from any kind of cheating that might be exist within the society, NEC should supervisor better the biometric voter’s registration (BVR) in order to escape from this scandals.
                          To encourage and mobilize people to expose it;
Society should cooperate much better with journalists in order to remove and alleviate those evils that may exist within the society and can bring the negative impact to the people like death, lack of social services and so far.


                             Also another is through the use of mass media;                                                                              subsequently, people are given better and quality information about their society. If there is any social economic and politic matter exist journalists play the big role through mass media to educate people about various and different issues.
                               Journalists required preparing good policy;
Example people need to be well educated through various ways include the better policy, according  to their professional journalists should use their convicting power to ensure society leave those illegal business like the uses of dead voters registration during the general election.

 Conclusively; Tanzania is the democratic country so we need to be active and aware about our natural resources. Government of Tanzania required enacting the special and specific law that will protect and alleviate those evils in the nation at large.  

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